A relationship begins when two people agreed to be connected. Relationships are opportunities to learn about ourselves and to grow into better people. We can learn to be better at giving and receiving. All relationships are about learning. When one person decides to end a relationship, an explosion of trouble is what usually follows. It can also be considered bad karma which produces an unpleasant reaction. A unilateral decision is not how the relationship started. It is not a good way to end one.
I often gave advice to students struggling with their partners, to not leave until both agree to end the relationship. I explained the simplicity of how both people agreed to start the relationship, and it works best if both agree to end the relationship. After many years, it became my test to live this advice.
My first partner in Germany started out as a friend. We found a cute place in Heidelberg to live together. About a year later we had regular fights, conflicts, and struggles. Knowing the rule to get an agreement to end the relationship, I asked if she agreed to end. She did not. I agreed to stay. At this time, it became clear I needed to keep my heart open and to act friendly, even though I did not want to continue an intimate relationship. After five months, she said she was ready to end the relationship. We departed as friends. It was a powerful experience and helped me avoid some lessons in the next relationship.
When a relationship ends on a sour note, it often means we have not learned the lesson that was possible with that person. Deep-seated or multiple lessons are part of long-term relationships. With such a partner, many lessons can be learned over time. Better to face the challenge with your current partner than have the same problem reappears with someone new.
Without both people agreeing to end the relationship, the best action is to keep together unless there is abuse involved. The decision of one partner over the other is a form of control.
Since the Aquarian Age is centered on connection, understand the need for agreement becomes a key theme for creating loving relationships and success in life. Besides the commitment and practice of getting an agreement, all personal practices that promote a stronger nervous system will make learning the lesson easier. Here is a suggested meditation to strengthen your nervous system.

Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Grip the hands together, right palm over left, in front of the heart. Elbows are relaxed down. Eyes are closed. Chant the mantra “Ang Sang Wah-hay Guroo” by Nirinjan Kaur, pulling the navel in and up with 5 strokes in rhythm with the mantra. You will be surprised at what it does. Feel the Creator within you. Continue for 11 to 31 minutes.