– Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka’s passing so previously unpublished –
There are many reasons to be interested in having good intuition. It is often talked about, desired, and explained. Here is a story of profound confirmation of the existence and desirability of intuition.
Living in Santa Fe, I received a call from a well-known and popular spiritual person. She asked if I would come to her house for a private lesson in yoga with the emphasis on preparing her for the birth of her first child. I accepted her request and after hanging up, felt nervous. She was so popular, someone making an appointment to meet her for guidance, had to wait a month or two. She often had publicity sharing her work and excellent service. As a professional yoga teacher, I have been trained to provide the service for anyone who asks. Quietly within myself, I hoped I could do a good job for this well-known guide.
A week later I arrived at her house, and we sat down to begin the private yoga class. I began by asking some of her needs, health challenges, or specific requirements for the best outcome. While in this discussion and listening to her responses, I got an image in my mind. My inner thoughts said the image was not helpful and to just keep going with the discussion. After another minute the same image came again. Inwardly I decided to ignore this image since it did not make any sense and I had no way to explain what it was. After another minute the image came again. In all spiritual traditions, if something comes three times, it is real and needs to shared or acted on.
I inwardly told myself that it might be nonsense and she might ask me to leave if I share this image, but since it came three times, I felt the need to share. I took a deep breath and told her I had seen a beautiful lake with waves, and the wind was blowing on the lake affecting the waves. I could imagine her response to tell me to leave or to be polite without any useful understand or give me a strange look. She responded had been given a spiritual name by a Native American elder
how interesting I shared this image since it reflected her name she had been given, Wind on the Water. Whoa! How is it that possible I would see an image to represent a spiritual name she was given by Native Americans? Intuition is the only answer.
gm notes: intuition – quiet – beyond emotions (like/dislike) – born with intuition – heart linked to intuition
The word intuition is derived from the Latin root means to look at.
Characteristics of an intuitive person can include:
- Freedom
Ability to be childlike - Follow impulses
Ability to let go
Listen to one’s self - Make correct choices-(with-
out a body, of logical facts) - Acceptance, of self, and others
- Assertiveness
Autonomy - Balance
- Boldness
- Centered
- Clarity
- Comfort
- Commitment
- Compassion
- Courage
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Detachment
- Effortlessness
- Empathy
- Encouragement
- Energy
Faith - Flexibility
Independence - Inner strength
Inspiration - Interest
Joy - Lightness..
- Motivation
Nurturing - Oneness
Peace - Perception
Pleasure - Problem solver
- Quick thinker
Relaxation - Reliability
awareness - Self-confidence-esteem-
love- trust
Spontaneity - Vision
Understanding - Wisdom
- “Intuition gives you direction for your creativity.”-Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.
“Learning to use intuition is learning to be your own teacher, and getting in touch with your own inner guru.”- Frances E.Vaughan