
This page contains the draft blogs found after Gurumarka’s passing. 
They are unfinished, not spell checked and no picture had been selected. 
They are published here now to give some insights in what he was thinking about and working on.


– Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka’s passing so previously unpublished – 16 Nov, 2019. went to look at a house in near to Schriesheim, It was a last minute decision so my car was already partially loaded for my trip the next day to my L2...

personal quotes

– Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka’s passing so previously unpublished – Again, I find the view looking back at my life more and more remarkable. It reminds me of an expression I have used in an online meditation group. This personal quote...


– Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka’s passing so previously unpublished – Everything is beautiful, everything is funny this was my personal motto for a few years.  it may sound a bit arrogant or even utopian. it actually came out some deep...

Meeting Yogi Bhajan

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Meeting yogi Bhajan Yogiji as we mostly called him in the early days.  Married me. Health food store and statement, my parents did not love me. Walking across field at...


- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Surfside The small community I lived during all childhood and a bit beyond.  Police came when I swelled a nickel. Stood over me as I sat on the toilet waiting for the...

Camp pinewood

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Camp pinewood.  Hendersonville Don’t remember any specific people. It was all about new experiences.  Riding the train there Archery Horseback riding Sailing on a small...

artist and the shakti woman

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - The artist and the shakti woman Lenndy, talented artist Helped awaken part of my spiritual depth Powerful woman Steady and divine We were almost a family Learned to...

Navigator in his blood

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - navigator in the new world Relative of Sir John Feild who was a. born 15 april 1934 in hascombe, died 31 may 2016 devon musician Born Richard Timothy Feild, like me was...

total fitness

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - an extreme title given by my publisher. feel like you can do anything, and you can. 🙂 it was just an audio tape (cassette) with a beginners kundalini yoga class how I...

App Updates

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Mac Computer BusyCal Grammarly CopyClip iMovie VLC Softorino YouTube Converter 2 Waltr Battery Health 2 IOS - iPhone or iPad Insight Timer Moon DailyDozen iTantric...

It’s About Time . . . . . and God.

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - gm thoughts on time being God. RF - time goes in both directions for many years, I have said, "I remember the future" If the time is God's concept is interwoven, then...

Teaching in Africa (part 1)

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Ravinder Teachers in Africa program got invited to join a L1 program in Burundi. connection to Belgium. small country, poor country, political trouble, and amazing...

Teaching in Africa (part 2)

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - First time I was a teacher in someone else's level 1 program, now I was responsible. Kenya, English speaking, after terrible shopping center attack. Locals were a mix...

Teaching in Africa (part 3)

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - the follow up and big finish in the country for a week. included new level 1 test. plane connection missed in Doha, arrived at last minute. BOF in taxi. training,...

Teaching in Africa (part 4)

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - one chance in a lifetime, a safari. Masai mara. very bumpy. solo because of my timing. given the honymoon suite, from a special desk staff. I taught kritan kriya. very...

Dying in Chicago. Almost!

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - changing planes in chicago, terrible winter storm, pilot announced he would give a try landing through the storm before it got worse. plane shook like crazy. felt like...

Gospel – Yes!

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Gospel singers france by luck then Germany. the local groups had a good heart, but it was more church singing and very little gospel feeling. finally a group from...

easy way to consciousness

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - my timely music suggestions for listening your way to consciousness neil young - a friend described a song of his as connecting both sides of your brain. left brain,...

Three Success Cycles

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - wow, what a topic, the cycles, rings, specific number of years that put each person into the effect of these cycles. the patterns become noticeable, and more important,...

What is Intuition? (part 1)

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - There are many reasons to be interested in having good intuition. It is often talked about, desired, and explained. Here is a story of profound confirmation of the...


- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - Messthaler Growing up with no real grandparents seems to have created a void in my life. To fill that void I often attract older people who have at least some of those...

diamond ring – prison – drug dealer

- Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka's passing so previously unpublished - all true diamond ring from my mother's mother. we never met, as she died before I was born. in college got engaged, my mom offered the ring to use. we got the ring, got...

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