Jan 4, 2020 | Life, Stories
Fourteen years, then poof. That is how long my marriage lasted. It was a great shock. I really thought I would get married once and that would be it until the end. Technically, I have been married only once, but you...
Dec 22, 2019 | Life, Spirit, Stories
In 1999, I began teaching a yoga class 10.45 every Saturday at the Santa Fe Spa. It was a great room to do yoga at the end of the building with a padded floor and windows along one wall facing the mountains. Over the six...
Dec 15, 2019 | Spirit, Stories
Yogi Bhajan visited Miami each year before going to the winter solstice in central Florida. This is the big gathering of kundalini yogis to come together, do lots of yoga, chop lots of veggies, and participate in White...
Nov 28, 2019 | Life, Spirit, Stories
Most people remember those special times visiting their grandparents. The smells, old photos hanging on the walls, nick-nacks of useless stuff, fresh-baked cookies, sleep-overs, and a coziness that comes from being with the...
Nov 24, 2019 | Life, Spirit, Stories
In 1986 I developed an annoying health issue. hemorrhoids. I did some research and discovered this was connected to a weakness in the liver. I’m a yogi, I know how to heal my liver. So I began some exercises and added...
Nov 20, 2019 | Spirit, Stories
On a dangerous road in Kenya, two buses were approaching the same narrow bridge from opposite sides, neither yields and they crash. Many people were killed. A man was spotted taking the mobile phones from the dead...