Aug 14, 2020 | Life, Spirit, Stories
It was never dull around Reshad. He managed to stir things up where ever he went. Although he was a bit of a trickster, it was not this quality that had the biggest impact. It was his connection to this thing we call...
May 20, 2020 | Spirit, Stories
Getting invited to teach in Europe was the easy part. Now came the planning, organizing, and other details. Keep in mind all this was before email and mobile phones. We would send a fax if something was needed right away,...
Apr 15, 2020 | Spirit, Yoga
The most common question people ask me in personal interviews is “What is my purpose, my destiny?” I always give them the answer. “Your destiny is not one fixed route through life. You create your destiny...
Apr 8, 2020 | Spirit, Stories
In the first years living in Germany, I was often teaching in places no one had ever heard of, like the small village of Much. A dear student, Christiane Berger, and her husband, Manfred, renovated a farmhouse and made the...
Mar 27, 2020 | Spirit, Stories
My first true meditation teacher was my karate instructor. We did all the regular things one does in a karate class. We learned to move with purpose, to understand the dynamics of how the energy moved in the body, explored...