Yogi’s World
Before the current teacher training manual existed, there was this book, written by Gurumarka.
“Yogi’s World has been produced as a textbook in the training of Kundalini Yoga teachers. Its understanding and application requires many hours of study and practice.
The contents of this book have been collected, borrowed, and created from a wide assortment of sources. Some of this material is original and as such may not be used in commercial enterprises without fIrst requesting permission in writing, stating your intention. Other parts of this book belong to other individuals who have given permission to use their material and have been paid a royalty for that use. The remaining material is being borrowed to help with the conscious evolution of the planet. Not all the material in this book is suitable for every person, and without proper training, instruction and guidance, may produce results that are not intended.
It is not advised to alter or change any of the information, but to use it as it is presented. As with any self-help type book, it is advised that you consult a health care provider with any medical problems you may have before proceeding with the suggestions and using the information contained in this manual.
This book is not for sale and should not be reproduced except in specific situations where permission has been given. If you decide that you no longer want this book, please either return it, dispose of it, or give it to a suitable person who understands, respects and accepts responsibility for this information.
Each breath carries the sound of gratitude, each moment begins in love, each action represents beauty and it all unfolds By His Grace. I surrender in Grace to the One.”
Gurumarka Khalsa