– Note: This blog was still in draft at the time of Gurumarka’s passing so previously unpublished –
Growing up with no real grandparents seems to have created a void in my life. To fill that void I often attract older people who have at least some of those grandparent qualities. This is the starting point for my relationship with Brigitte and Agi Messthaler. Truly wonderful people who have been a great example in my life. As of this writing Brigitte is still on the planet and still doing great work being kind and supporting people.
Met at an escoteric messa (fair), BioElectric shield.
She used what the Germans call, school English. Meaning it was what she learned in school over 40 years earlier. But we managed. Later she would tell me that she has a spirit guide to help her with the words she could not remember or did not know. I believe her
Agi was a singer. His right arm was Injured in the war when a bullet when through his upper arm and part of his neck. It did not matter since it was his voice that he used to make a living and to truly express his inner self. Love visiting churches. We took trips together in Germany and italy
Agi and I had a way of speaking like idiots that would get the three of us laughing so hard that Brigitte would threaten to leave the restaurant if we would not stop.
She had spirit guides to help her paint with no formal training, she was quite good. Especially she used guidance to help heal people with a variety of methods which include a large pyramid they had installed in their backyard. Big enough for 3-4 people to lay down and receive healing energy.
I used to visit by train and then she would pick me up at the station. Agi’s sister recently died and had owned a small car. It was the ‘owned by a old lady who never drove anywhere’ car. It was over 10 years old with only 14,000 km. They gave me the car to make it easier for me to come visit. This little Opel Corsa was an amazing car. I drove it in the mountains in Austria, to France and all over Germany. They topped this a few years later when they gave me their old Mercedes.
BM and I had a spat and she decided I should not visit again. I respected her wishes so we had not contact for many years. Holiday in NC, got a call in the mountains from BM asking for forgiveness and invited me to visit.
We have meet a few times. Of course things have changes, with Agi gone a few years before and her health presenting problems, but the respect and warmth were still there.