Hotel Grandparents

Most people remember those special times visiting their grandparents. The smells, old photos hanging on the walls, nick-nacks of useless stuff, fresh-baked cookies, sleep-overs, and a coziness that comes from being with the...


In 1986 I developed an annoying health issue. hemorrhoids. I did some research and discovered this was connected to a weakness in the liver. I’m a yogi, I know how to heal my liver. So I began some exercises and added...

Stories Told to Me

On a dangerous road in Kenya, two buses were approaching the same narrow bridge from opposite sides, neither yields and they crash. Many people were killed. A man was spotted taking the mobile phones from the dead...

An Amazing Family

I got a call from a young woman asking if it would be okay if she joined my class. She explained as a child, she was injured in a fire that left limited movement in one leg. I told her she would be most welcome to join the...

The Hopp Way

Michael Hopp showed up in my yoga class in Santa Fe around 1990. Each yoga style has a type and Michael did not look like a Kundalini Yoga type. During the class he struggled but did his best to keep up. After the class he...

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