About YogiBlog
In his own words: “Stories share emotions and experiences with deep, profound, and powerful knowing. Stories are data with your soul. “

Lightning can kill you
Growing up in Florida included lots of lightning and thunder since it was one of the two states with the most thunderstorms. Then at age 25, I moved to the second state with the most thunderstorms, New Mexico. I found the experience of the lightning bolts, and the...

A Vision Board – for success!
My daughter and her family recently moved to New Mexico from California. Less traffic, more nature but some limited options, like no inspiring school for my granddaughter. She found the new school to not challenge her enough to enjoy learning. Together they became...

Simple Cures
Here is a list of natural things you can do to heal yourself. Links will take you to details. Immune System Booklet - get the booklet with healing topics connected to exercise, diet, sleep, meditation, stretching, and much more. https://www.breathislife.com/store-1...

How NOT to end a relationship!
A relationship begins when two people agreed to be connected. Relationships are opportunities to learn about ourselves and to grow into better people. We can learn to be better at giving and receiving. All relationships are about learning. When one person decides to...

Can Hay Fever Be Cured? Naturally?
Until my late 30's, I did not have hay fever. It began when living in New Mexico. Being a vegetarian, a practicing yogi, healthy, and doing regular exercise, the symptoms of hay fever came as a surprise. Research does not know how this is triggered and most remedies...

Second teacher training in Germany
Having experienced the four-day teacher training, I decided to offer a four-weekend kundalini yoga teacher training. It was amazing, impossible, powerful, blessed, challenging, magical, and successful. We would be meeting four weekends over the next five months. When...

First teacher training in Germany
I was teaching a workshop in Frankfurt with about twenty hatha yoga teachers getting a taste of Kundalini yoga for the first time. They were curious, challenged, and happy when the day was over. One student approached me and said she wanted me to teach her to be a...

Leaving before Arriving (part 4)
After the wedding, I had a visit from my parents who flew from Miami to visit me in Boston before I left for Europe. They were excited and offered some support. I accepted a new scanner to help create a teacher training book, Yogi's World. My time with my parents...

Leaving before Arriving (part 3)
I arrived in Boston. Tim and Jim were getting married. Tim and I met years before when he came to Santa Fe in search of his spiritual self. Two days before his month-long trip was about to end, he came to a class I was teaching and realized, this was his way and in...

Leaving before Arriving (part 2)
I packed two boxes of stuff to store at a friend's house, gave much away. Over the years I collected many Sikh/Yogi items including yoga books, swords, Sikh artwork, and other items I brought from two trips to India. I decided to go to the ashram to sell all these...

Leaving before Arriving (part 1)
A decision was made to leave Santa Fe, and go to Europe to live and teach kundalini yoga. Through my connection with Reshad Feild and his school, I had received an invitation to teach in Germany, plus offered a place to stay when I arrived. After living in New Mexico...
Death Implant
I had finished teaching a yoga class and stopped by a restaurant for some food to take home. It was around 1990 and for the last few weeks, I noticed I was driving around Santa Fe not wearing a seatbelt. I remember thinking it was odd, but I was not concerned. After...

No more meetings!
No more meetings was the request I made with God. Most people do not really like going to meetings. Okay, some meetings are okay, but they more often waste time. What makes a good meeting? People come ready to make decisions. Meaning they know what the meeting is...

Giving money the homeless!
Ugh! This was a very difficult lesson to learn. In spirit, I had no problem giving money, but in reality, it was often an emotional struggle. One time at the Frankfurt Bahnhof while waiting for a train, a woman came asking for money. I gave a euro or two. I did my...

Alone in the wilderness, what could go wrong?
During the twenty years I lived in New Mexico, I explored many wonderful trails including a hike to the highest peak during winter, down steep canyons to the Rio Grande river, and explored ancient sites with mysterious ruins. Then I got the idea to go through the...

Gluten Free Baking
Why? Why do so many people have health challenges when eating foods with gluten? The research explains how our thousands of years old genes, the changes in our diets, and environmental influence have contributed to many people reacting to the gluten in bread products,...

We look like a family
Hari Nam Kaur and I were engaged to be married at the end of the yogi summer camp in Espanola. She was talented, adventurous, loving, patient, forgiving, and looked good in a turban. She introduced me to many things during the years we were together. I experienced;...

State of Sunshine
A motto is a short sentence or phrase chosen to capture the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution. Over the years my personal motto changed many times. One of my favorites was 'Everything is beautiful. Everything is funny.' This might be a...

Angel Way – Away!
We had just moved to the small village of Erbach. A short walk our front door and we were in the woods. Some trails took us to the old city in Heppenheim, other trails wove their way through the trees. On one section off the main trail, I noticed two small sacred...

Shamanic Journey on the Rio Grande
We had been on the river all day with periods of whitewater and calm floating. This was the second day of a 3 day trip on the Rio Grande near Santa Fe. We found a clearing next to the river to spend the night under the stars. Four friends had been invited by our...

Things I Remember
I learned to swim at the same time I learned to walk. Not such a strange idea living in Miami Beach. Of course, we know babies can swim without any instruction. The fear of drowning is learned. When only 3 years old, we flew on an airplane to visit my mother's...

The Invitation
Do you dare to discover the longing of your heart? Can you live with joy? Can you live with pain? Can you dance with wildness? Can you see beauty every day? Can you live with failure? Will you do what is needed for the children? Do you enjoy your own company when you...

Receiving a Home (part 3)
Similar to our search when we decided to leave Heidelberg, we began looking at lots and lots of places in the area around Heppenheim. A few we both liked, but we were not selected. A few were offered the new home, but something about it was not welcoming. We both...

Receiving a Home (part 2)
Around 2010 Amanjot and I began looking for a new home. Together we must have looked at more than fifty possible places. We had the areas where we 'thought' we wanted to move to. After more than five years, we did not 'find' the home we could both agree to move to. In...

Receiving a Home (part 1)
What do I mean by 'receiving a home'? It is not the same as finding a home, building a home, or any other action we might take to get a home. It is about allowing the universe to deliver what is needed, when it is needed, with all the bonuses to have it feel like a...